Love, Your Angels: Working with your Angels to attract a romantic soulmate connection


Prerecorded and go at your own pace!


SKU: LOVEWorkshop01 Category:
  1. It will be via zoom and available for replay.  Upon purchasing the workshop you will receive an email with all the scheduled zoom links for all 3 classes.
  2. Classes will be 75 minutes with a Q+A at the end.
  3. The Themes of the 3 weeks will be:
    1. Being a magnet for the energy of true love: Some topics: Shadow work, identifying patterns and limiting beliefs, Inviting your Angels in, Angelic Healing, Cord Cutting, Rebounds, Radical Honesty
    2. Navigating the Dating world from an Angelic Perspective: Some topics: Dating apps, tuning into angelic guidance, helping your angels help you, learning to operate from radical love, ghosting, love bombing, Authentic expression, creating energetic momentum to find love, burnout, Being single.
    3. Angelic Divination and magical practices to enrich romantic relationships: Some Topics: Love life readings with Oracle Cards, Astrology, Soulmates vs. Twin Flames, Ethical Love Spells, Candle Magic, Learning to trust intuitive messages about love, Manifestation lists.